Education Beyond 16 for a Young Person with SEND

If your young person with SEND is considering education beyond the age of 16, we have looked at the provisions of some of the colleges and sixth forms, including Portsmouth University, have in place for young people with SEND in and around Portsmouth.

The information below is non-exhaustive but is intended to give you the information we found in one place and provide you with an idea of what is out there.

Contact for Families with Disabled Children has some information regarding Education Beyond 16, including rights and support. Please click here to read it.

SENDIASS have also produced a useful guide for parent / carers about choosing a school with some information in it that you may find helpful when choosing a post-16 setting. Please click here to read it.

The Portsmouth Send Local Offer website also has some information about education settings within the local area. Please click here to read it.

Please contact the college, sixth form or university directly if you require further information, open days, and application information.

Please click on the logo’s to be directed to the websites.